Retriever Sports include hunting and Hunt Tests and Working Certificate Tests designed for retrievers.
Competitions that tollers can enter are Hunt Tests and Working Certificate Tests. They are a practical demonstration of the ability of the toller to perform the function for which the toller was bred. At these tests owners can obtain an evaluation of their dogs hunting prowess through tasks such as marking, scenting and retrieving birds. Tollers love this type of activity and some owners choose to train for tests, others choose to enjoy hunting as a pastime with their dogs, and still others participate in both. In Hunt Tests, dogs successfully completing the respective levels earn the titles Junior Hunter, Senior Hunter and Master Hunter. In Working Certificate Tests the titles are Working Certificate, Working Certificate Intermediate and Working Certificate Excellent; WC, WCI and WCX respectively.
Some Vancouver Island farms, though they are working farms, are open to offer retriever training opportunities and club training days or events. The Upper Island Retriever Club in the Comox Valley, offers an educational component. Please follow rules of etiquette like carrying out everything you take in and booking ahead to make sure you are welcome back to a farm in order to not ruin it for other dog enthusiasts. SeaTerrace Tollers enjoy training and competing locally with access to some fantastic facilities. One farm that is often ‘Open’ for retriever sport is ‘Swamp Dog Farm’ which is a 160 acre working farm with 80 acres cleared and 8 ponds and is located in Black Creek BC., Vancouver Island.
Another farm is the Everett Farm where ‘Heads Up Kennel’ is based. Heads Up Kennel offers Field Workshops with Anne Everett and it is located in Merville, British Columbia, Vancouver Island.
Links to Retriever Training Clubs on Vancouver Island:
UIRC (Upper Island)
PRHRC (Pacific Rim)
Salt Chuck HRC
VIRC (Field Trial)
BC Retriever Association